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Mar 2019 FormatTest


Tests the core containers within each other.

This pages uses HTML5 views only.


Super admin: ?module=administrationmodule&action=superadmin

Debug Mode On: ?action=switch&module=uiswitchermodule&uilevel=4&adminmenu=unchanged&edit=unchanged&editsides=unchanged

See the terse form of this page: ?debuglayout=containers 


This GB is within a HTML5 default add block/container

Second GB in inner container

GB1 in 3-col

in the 3 col container

GB 2 in 3 col

But this one is nested

GB1 in 3-col

in the 3 col container

GB 3 in 3-col

Within a 3 col container

GB 3 in 3-col

Within a 3 col container

GB1 in 3-col

in the 3 col container

GB 2 in 3 col

But this one is nested

GB1 in 3-col

in the 3 col container

GB 3 in 3-col

Within a 3 col container

GB 3 in 3-col

Within a 3 col container, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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