This is rotating news

Mar 2019 FormatTest


Working - but not expanded

I sure would like to {hd rotate insert}!!!!

{hd rotate content start}

  • be easy to edit
  • add terms easily
  • show well before jscript loads

{hd rotate content end}

Working - Expanded, default speeds

I sure would like to be easy to edit !!!!

Working - Expanded, no fade

I sure would like to be easy to edit !!!!

Working - Expanded, 6 sec fade

I sure would like to be easy to edit !!!!

No Insert
This block is missing its {hd rotate insert} phrase.

I sure would like to {hz rotate insert}!!!!


  • be easy to edit
  • add terms easily
  • show well before jscript loads

{hd rotate content end}

No Start

I sure would like to This block is missing its {hd rotate content start} phrase.!!!!

{hz rotate content start}

  • be easy to edit
  • add terms easily
  • show well before jscript loads


No End

I sure would like to *hd_rotate_insert*!!!!


  • be easy to edit
  • add terms easily
  • show well before jscript loads

{hz rotate content end}

No terms

I sure would like to Handle the no li caseNo {hd rotate content} terms were defined. Add some bullets. !!!!


I sure would like to handle formatted text including 'single' quotes, "double" quotes, size and color changes. !!!!, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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