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Mar 2019 FormatTest


Block 1: GB

First general block

This page shows how the OneCol5 block handles embedded other containers



Super admin: ?module=administrationmodule&action=superadmin

Debug Mode On: ?action=switch&module=uiswitchermodule&uilevel=4&adminmenu=unchanged&edit=unchanged&editsides=unchanged

See the terse form of this page: ?debuglayout=containers 



Block 2: GB

Second general block.     A empty default container (1 col by default) follows

Block 4: GB

This is the 4th block.   Actually is just the third gb.  

An empty 3 col container follows

Block 6: GB

This is the 6th block.

Following this is a default (cols=1) container but this one has 2 blocks

Block 7a: GB

First GB within block 7

Block 7b: GB

Second GB within the block 7 container

Block 8: GB

Following this is a 3 col container block whose 1st and 3rd slots are filled.

Note what happens when previewed -- does the missing slot keep its position?

Block 9-1: GB

GB in slot-1

Block 9-3: GB

General block in slot 3

Block 10: GB

GB After the 3 col partially filled container, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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