new ztest css /* An alternative version of the commonly used Deliciously Blue color theme. This look works with almost all layouts. */ /* This is a stylesheet for use with HotDoodle. It is both good and bad in that this stylesheet is heavily commented. The good part is that the comments can allow casual users to create their own looks without having to master stylesheets. The bad part is that the comments can make the stylesheet at first seem more complicated than it really is. You may upload your stylesheet through the Custom Look and Feel item on the admin menu. When you do this you will get a link that will run the stylesheet through the CSS validator at We recomment that you run this and that you check also that what it echos as valid HTML has all that you input, because mismatched comments can take out whole blocks. If the formatting suddently goes weird, you probably started and forgot to close a comment. Check your recent edits, or use the validator above. ============================================================ == Site Theme Core Options ============================================================ // Core font size, others are computed relative to this // Typical xx-small= 9px // Typical x-small: 10px // Typical small: 13px // Typical medium: 16px // Typical large: 18px // Typical x-large: 24px // Typical xx-large: 32px Module titles are a place where the theme gets much of its look You can either go with the main colors (or something close) and make the titles bigger and bolder, or ypu can invert the titles where the normal background becomes their lettering and the normal font color becomes their background. Alternatively, they can be an entirely different color, perhaps with a light background. It depends on if you want the titles to be bars or not. Also do decide if if titles are centered. Navigation links are somewhat special Make them stand out by color, font, or size For blockish themes consider using the same color for =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR=, =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= Another style decision is to use this same font for =LINK_FONT_COLOR= and maybe even for =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= and =MANAGEMENTLINK_FONT_COLOR= However, if the links all have the same colors, consider differentiating them by other means such as font, boldness, size, or text-decoration. // Module title font, should be a complimentary to the background, or dark if there is no background // arial, verdana, "ms sans serif", sans-serif // tahoma, arial, verdana, "ms sans serif", sans-serif // Helvetica, Verdana // '"ms sans serif", sans-serif, verdana, arial'} ============================================================ == Site Color Legend ============================================================ // White // defaults to MAIN_BG_COLOR // defaults to MAIN_BG_COLOR // defaults to HEADER_BG_COLOR // defaults to HEADER_BG_COLOR // Color of block outline and title // White. Defaults to MAIN_BG_COLOR // White. White. Defaults to MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR , set this only if you want a blockish look // defaults to MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR // White. Defaults to MAIN_BG_COLOR // Blue Gray defaults to MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR // moderate blue // Green gray Color of block outline and title // Dark Gray // Darker Gray. Used in places like form boxes. easier to see w/ background color // was 1B7457} // Forest Green. Defaults to MAIN_FONT_COLOR // was 1B7457} Forest Green Defaults to MAIN_FONT_COLOR // White // Bright Blue. Defaults to NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR // midnight blue. was #9ECCFF Light Blue // Dark blue/violet. Defaults to LINK_FONT_COLOR // midnight blue. was #FF0000 Default RED // slightly pastel green. // was A1D1A1 slightly pastel green. Defaults to MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR // Dark red == These colors are ok for almost all themes // Darker Blue // Pastel Blue // was 6DA6E2 Moderate Blue - but was too dark for the text ============================================================ == Do some assignments for some things that might not have been set above ============================================================ ============================================================ == These are rarely used and take on default values from the above, but you may set them ============================================================ // was 3a75b6 - bright blue ============================================================ == That WYSIWYG text editor: ============================================================ When that text editor opens, it sees something like the following: ===============YOUR CONTENT GOES HERE========== So the user is editing in a generic body but with a stylesheet in place. The catch is that some stylesheets might impose a dark or unreadable color or background image and the text editor would look best if it were in a generic module body. To handle this, this stylesheet template is processed twice once with $editor on and once with $editor off Notice that the stylesheet above was named "_editor.css" With this capability, you can use a construct like set it the other way This is mose likely to be useful in the body where centering, dark colors, backgrounds, borders, etc would be disabled for the editor. ============================================================ Web Standards: ============================================================ Colors: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow Standard Web font sizes xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Do not use things like font-size: 12pt because this will stay this size even if the user asks to view larger or smaller text sizes Stick with the standards and they will resize to fit the viewer's needs. */ /* Color Key


MAIN_BG_COLOR = #FFFFFF navbutton: hover leftsidebar/center background
MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR = transparentmodulebody background
MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR = transparentCONTAINER_BG_COLOR = transparent container background
MODULE_CONTROL_BG_COLOR = module control background
MODULE_TITLE_BG_COLOR = transparent moduletitle background, row header, box boundary
MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR = #666666 moduletitle and H3 font
NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT BG_COLOR = #ffffffbody border, navbutton border and hover background, navbuttoncurrent background
HOVER_BG_COLOR = #3a75b6 row hover background
MAIN_FONT_COLOR = #676767 text, links, input area text
MINOR_FONT_COLOR = #666666Lighter text to for secondary items such as "posted"
LINK_FONT_COLOR = #0C3F81 regular links
NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR = #0C3F81 navlink, title_link font
MANAGEMENTLINK FONT_COLOR = #0C3F81 management links and navigation_mngmntlink font
MANAGEMENTLINK BG_COLOR = #C5DAB3 management links and navigation_mngmntlink font
BORDER_COLOR = #2763A5outlines blocks and sections (in blockish themes), seperates tabs, is color of pulldown and top menus
ALT_BG_COLOR = #CEE5FFform header, even row div.container_editheader, edit box border, input background, body margin
*/ /* ================================================================= ================================================================= ================================================================= == CSS Declarations ================================================================= ================================================================= ================================================================= */ /* Some themes use a table to place the cols (others use divs) These will typically have an outer table that uses the .body class Setting the width here effectively sizes the web page. Typical Usage: Setting the width width: 800px; -- the page will be this size, and if there is any extra the page will center around it. The body background image will appear around the sides. If the content is wide, the page will widen width: auto: -- the page will be as wide as needed to fit the content Leaving the width out has the same effect. width: 100%; -- the page will fill the browser window side to side width: 90%; -- the page will expand to almost fill the browser window side to side but will have some margins into which the body background image is displayed. */ .body { width: 800px; /* border: 4px double transparent;*/ /* Set this to =MODULE_TITLE_BG_COLOR= if you want a border around header + main */ } /* body defines the colors and offset of the entire page when not overridden In practice, this means it sets the look of outer borders of the site, such as if the site is set to be 1200 wide and is viewed on a wider screen. */ body { /* In IE, the border color is at the outer edges of the window, outside of the scrollbars and outside of the margin. IE does not seem to recognize some styles such as "double" for the body. The margins occur between the border and the visible contents (including the scrollbars). The margins are in the background color and establish a minimum space -- if the window is too big for the content the gap is filled in with the background color In I.E. border, margin-in-bg-color, filler-in-bg-color, scrollbars, content In Mozilla, the border occurs inside of the margins and the border-style is honored Also, the scrollbars are always outside of everything In Mozilla: scrollbars, margin-in-bg-color, Border, filler-in-bg-color, content The body declaration matters most for fixed width web pages */ background-color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ border: 0; margin-left: 40px; /* Generally best set to 0 */ padding : 0px; /* Setting the width in the body seems to have odd behavior You will need to experiment width: 90%; */ width: 800px; /* You can put in here some default font settings */ /* line-height: 18px; */ color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ font-size: x-small; /* Adjusting the font families can affect the site greatly */ font-family: verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; /* The body background-color does not much matter if there is a background image, and most index.html files when they generate the body insert such a background declaration taken from the configuration. When it does matter, it sets the color used to wrap the site It also sets the color used around the containers, UNLESS div sets a background color or there is a background image for their section */ /* =================================== Scrollbar look is configurable in some browsers. Others will ignore it, and the CSS validator may complain that the property does not exist SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #8784C6; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #8784C6; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #8784C6; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-COLOR: #8784C6; */ } /* All in the site is in at least 1 div, so the generic div declaration sets the colors and fonts for the entire site */ div { font-size: x-small; font-weight: normal; /* Adjusting the font families can affect the site greatly */ font-family: verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ margin: 0px; padding : 0px; /* line-height: 18px; */ /* background-color: #FFFFFF; */ /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ /* If you set the background-color on the generic div, then almost all site content will be in that color. In particular, background images and sidebar colors will be seen only as thin margins around the all-so-common divs. Most styles will not set background-color in the div style */ } /* It is common for the HotDoodle text editor to leave a block of text that starts with

This causes undesirable extra space if the margin_top is not 0 */ p { margin-top: 0px; } /* mngmnt_icon is used for many of the various action images, the red Xs, the up and down arrows, etc Example: Note the doodlelink is also used. */ img.mngmnt_icon { } /* ============================== == Containers == Most blocks are within a container of some kind == Setting container layout can have a huge effect on look and feel ============================== */ /* container_box is the main wrapper for all containers. It is invoked by itself. e.g.

*/ div.container_box { padding: 0px; /* inner space between outer container border and start of its contents This really needs to be 0 for blockish themes, or else containers that are supposed to disappear, such as for hidden text, will still show a box that is composed of their padding */ margin-bottom: 0px; /* space between containers, shows the generic section color or background do not set martin-left or margin-right or else the container will be indented*/ /* Do NOT set background color if you want background images to come through */ background-color: transparent; /* =CONTAINER_BG_COLOR= */ /* For blockish themes, set a border on the container box also consider using a color other than =BORDER_COLOR= for the container boarders */ /* Setting background color in container boxes is like setting it on the generic div -- it turns the color of almost everything (except where there is a background image) */ } /* Containers insert BRs between adjacient containers The margin here defines the dividers in the site */ br.container { } br.Compact_container { line-height: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.Compact_container_box { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } /*Each Block's Border in Structure View*/ /* container_edit box is shown when the view is structure It appears before and ends before the container. e.g. When not in structure mode:
content from the embedded blocks
When in structure mode, for top level containers:
info icon, up/down links, configure icon
When in structure mode, Embedded containers use
info icon, up/down links, configure icon
content from the embedded blocks
*/ div.container_editbox { /* Standards changed 7/13/06 */ border: 3px solid #8FBF8F; /* =CONTAINER_CONTROL_BG_COLOR= */ margin: 6px; } /* Each Block's Header background color in Structure View*/ .container_editheader { padding: 3px; background-color: #8FBF8F; /* =CONTAINER_CONTROL_BG_COLOR= */ } /* .container_container_editheader -- is now obsolete */ /* container_info is used in a td within the container_editheader with description about the container such as @left_before127 It should use a small and inobstrusive font and whuld show well against the background color of container_editheader The class is used alone. e.g.
or */ .category_title { font-weight: bold; font-size: medium; /* If you use a contrasting background-color, you should set the padding so that the text is not too close to the colored rectangle. */ /* Do not set the background color if in a totally non blockish theme */ /* background-color: #ffffff; */ /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ padding-left: 4px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } /* After modules and cats, there are items Example Use: */ .category_title_link { color: #666666; /* =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* Summaries are the opposite of titles Example Usage: */ td.header { background-color: #9ECCFF; /* =MODULE_TITLE_BG_COLOR= */ color: #666666; /* =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR= */ font-weight: bold; font-size: small; /* Medium? */ /* No padding if not in a blockish theme */ padding: 0px; } td.header a { background-color: transparent; /* =MODULE_TITLE_BG_COLOR= */ /* Don't override the link color */ font-weight: bold; font-size: small; /* Medium? */ padding: 2px; } td.boxed { /* This was called administration_modmgrbody in older stylesheets */ border: 2px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ padding-left: 10px; } /* ============================== == Links ============================== */ /* 'a' is for the links the user embeds such as with the wywisig editor. Links to other pages in the site are some form of the a.navlink class and links to functionality (such as add article) are some form of the a.mngmtlink class */ a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #0C3F81; /* =LINK_FONT_COLOR= */ font-family: verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; } /* All of the used links can have a :visited form that changes their color a bit so folks can see where they have recently been */ a:visited { } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #666666; /* =MINOR_FONT_COLOR= */ /* background-color: #3a75b6; */ /* =HOVER_BG_COLOR= */ } /* mngmntlinks (all variants) are for links that do something -- drop a posting, join a group, etc. They change the state of the DB. Some themes prefer to mark these somehow, perhaps by making them a bolder color or in a different font or text decoration. This acts as a warning to users that the link will do something. This class is manditory, it is the lead and sometimes the only class listed Many modules will have a variant of this for optional overrides e.g. class="mngmntlink article_mngmntlink" class="mngmntlink calendar_mngmntlink" It is also often used with mngmntlink_small and doodlelink */ a.mngmntlink { font-size: small; text-decoration: underline; color: #0C3F81; /* =MANAGEMENTLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ /* If links are not differentiated in color, then make them standout by weight, font, decoration, or background color */ /* Highlighting the font in a slightly different background draws the eye to management links. See EarthYellow */ } a.mngmntlink:hover { background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline; color: #666666; /* =MINOR_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* The _small mngmntlink is used where vertical space is at a premium It is an optional class, always being used in a sequence of the following class="mngmntlink mngmntlink_small" */ a.mngmntlink_small { font-size: xx-small; } /* the doodlelink is used for things like the edit and permission icons. It should be visually small, but visually distinctive (such as being red). It is an optional class, always being used in a sequence of the following class="mngmntlink mngmntlink_small doodlelink" */ a.doodlelink { font-size: xx-small; padding-right: 4px; text-decoration: underline; } a.doodlelink:hover { padding-right: 4px; text-decoration: none; background-color: #ffffff; /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ } /* navigation_mngmntlink is used for those mngmntlinks that affect navigation e.g. add a page, what type of page, delete page It is a very optional class, always being used in a sequence of the following class="mngmntlink navigation_mngmntlink" */ a.navigation_mngmntlink { text-decoration: none; color: #0C3F81; /* =MANAGEMENTLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ font-weight: bold; font-size: small; } /* navlinks (all variants) are for links that take you somewhere else in the site but which do NOT do something -- they do not change the state of the DB. This class is manditory, it is the lead and sometimes the only class listed. Many modules will have a variant of this for optional overrides e.g. class="navlink article_navlink" class="navlink login_navlink" */ .navlink { color: #3a75b6; /* =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= #2C2574 */ font-size: small; padding: 2px; } /* Consider also setting a.navlink:hover */ /* Navlink current is used only on navlinks that refer to the current page In it, you can change the color, font, background, etc to show the user where they are The class is optional, all uses of it also use navlink. class="navlink navlinkcurrent" class="navlink navlinkbutton navlinkcurrent navlinkcurrentbutton" */ .navlink:hover { background-color: #3a75b6; color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ text-decoration: none; } .navlinkcurrent { font-weight: 900; background-color: #ffffff; /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ } /* For navlinks used in categories. If the category uses a background color, then we must invert the font color. Example Usage: or */ .category_navlink { color: #666666; /* =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR= */ text-decoration: underline; /* Reset the size to be the same as for the category bar */ font-size: medium; /* font-weight: bold; */ } /* ============================== == Navigation Menu Buttons ============================== * /* Navlink button is used only in SOME navigation menus such as Expanding_hierarchy_Buttons. This class is used for the wrapping table, for the individual table cells, and for the links in the table. class="navlink navlinkbutton" class="navlink navlinkbutton navlinkcurrent navlinkcurrentbutton" */ table.navbutton { border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ /* For some reason, full width tables cross outside of the container boundaries in Mozilla but not in netscape. Narrow this table */ width: 100%; } /* The normal navbuttons are either of class navbutton or,if the Rounded style is in effect, of class navbutton_rounded. Unlike most things on this stylesheet, both are not used, so navbutton_rounded is not just a fine-tune of navbutton */ td.navbutton { padding: 3px; /* inner space between menu items */ margin: 8px; /* space between containers, shows the generic section color or background */ background-color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ background: url(/hotdoodle_engine/themes/images/Deliciously_Blue/Deliciously_Blue_barfill2.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; } td.navbutton a.navlink { color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } td.navbutton a.navlink:hover{ color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; } td.navbutton_rounded { /* Used when the rounded style is in effect. Ir is this or td.navbutton, but not both */ border: none; padding: 4px 0px 4px 0px; /* inner space between menu items */ } td.navbutton:hover { /* Not honored in IE */ /* background-color: #ffffff; */ /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ } /* Chose between =MAIN_BG_COLOR= and =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= for the colors here */ td.navbuttoncurrent { background-color: #ffffff; /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ } .navlinkbutton { font-size: x-small; color: #0C3F81; /* =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ padding: 6px; /* Needed to give it some offset from box */ /* font-family: verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; font-size: large; font-weight: 100; */ } .navlinkcurrentbutton { /* Most styles make the current button a bit bigger than the others */ font-size: small; font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; color: #0C3F81; /* =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* The userguide_navlink class is used only for links to the hotdoodle manual and when used it is always used with navlink as well. e.g. class='navlink userguide_navlink' The class is optional, but if not set these userguide links might be too prominent */ .userguide_navlink { background: #A0C5EC url("/hotdoodle_engine/iconset/doodle_help_wtxt.gif") no-repeat top left; color: #676767; font-size: xx-small; height: 16px; text-decoration: underline; padding-left: 45px; } /* The following are used for help on forms. Help boxes are the expanding help. Tipboxes are always open */ .helpbox { border: 1px solid #2763A5; background-color: #9ECCFF; /* =HELP_BG_COLOR= */ padding: 4px; } .tipbox { width: 30%; } /* ============================== == Title ============================== * /* .title is used by just about every module and is one level less than moduletitle However, it is used in some links so it must appear after links in the stylesheet. Example: {$article->subject} */ .small { font-size: xx-small; } .xsmall { font-size: xx-small; } /* ============================== == Errors ============================== */ /* .error is used in divs reporting a user error such as a bad tar format in an uploaded file. It us used stand-alone. e.g.
Uploads have been disabled.
It should be noticable */ .error { font-weight: bold; color: #8B0000; /* =ERROR_COLOR= Not the =MAIN_FONT_COLOR=, make it stand out */ padding-bottom: 1em; } /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Most titles ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ /* Forms have titles and headers. Typical usage:
Compose a Message
If you want to send this message to more than one user on the system, simply add their usernames to the list by highlighting them individually and clicking the '>>' button.
{$form_html} */ div.form_header { border-top: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ border-bottom: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ margin-bottom: 1em; } div.form_title { font-size: small; /* Medium? */ font-weight: bold; } /* These affect the fields on the forms */ input, textarea, select { background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =FORMS_BG_COLOR= */ font-size: x-small; color: #3A3A3A; /* #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 2px; border-color: #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } input.button { border-style: solid; border-color: #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ border-width: 1px; } textarea { font-family: verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; } /* ============================== == Nav tree ============================== */ /* Manage tree uses tabbed navigation. That uses the following classes */ td.tab_btn_current { background-color: inherit; border-bottom: 0px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } td.tab_main { padding: .5em; border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ border-top: 0px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } td.tab_btn_last { } td.tab_spacer { border-bottom: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ border-left: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } td.tab_btn { border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ border-right: 0px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ padding: .5em; } /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Fine Tune ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ calendar_highlights_moduletitle { color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Top navigation tab stuff, used in Top Nav Buttons and Top Nav Fancy views ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ /* == BEGIN == TOP NAV =============================== */ table.topnavfancy a.navlink_topnavfancy { /* Used in both Top Nav Buttons and Top Nav Fancy */ float:left; display:block; padding:5px 5px 4px 5px; margin-right:1px; color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ background:url("") no-repeat right top; } table.topnavfancy a.navlink_topnavfancy:hover { /* Used in both Top Nav Buttons and Top Nav Fancy */ /*font-size: x-small;*/ /* padding:5px 1px 4px 1px; */ background-position:100% -42px; } table.topnavfancy { /* Used in Only Top Nav Buttons */ margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 1px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; background-color: transparent; } tr.topnavfancy { /* Used in Only Top Nav Buttons */ margin: 0px; text-align: center; /* Maybe set a different color here */ background-color: transparent; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } td.topnavfancy { /* Used in Only Top Nav Buttons */ text-align: left; background-color: transparent; /* =TOPNAV_BG_COLOR= */ background:url("") no-repeat left top; margin-left:2px; padding:0px 1px 0px 1px; text-decoration:none; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; } td.topnavfancy:hover { /* Used in Only Top Nav Buttons */ margin-left:1px; background-position:0% -42px; vertical-align: middle; } /* == END == TOP NAV =============================== */ /* == BEGIN == TOP NAV FANCY =============================== */ div.topnavfancy { /* places bg across whole bar */ padding: 8px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ background-color: transparent; /* =TOPNAV_BG_COLOR= */ background: url(/hotdoodle_engine/themes/images/Deliciously_Blue/Deliciously_Blue_barfill1.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; vertical-align: middle; /* height: 10px; */ } div.topnavfancy a.navlink { color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; } div.topnavfancy a.navlink:hover { text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; } /* == END == TOP NAV FANCY =============================== */ /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Enable Rounded Top Nav Buttons -- tabs, really ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ /* end rounded corners */ /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Top Pulldown view -- this needs alot of CSS declarations whenever it is used ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ #TopPullDown { width: 100%; background: #FFFFFF; /* set to =MAIN_BG_COLOR= so that empty space is not obvious */ float:left; /* border: 5px solid #2763A5; */ /* =BORDER_COLOR=, set if you want the entire menu bordered */ } #TopPullDown ul { list-style: none; margin:0; padding: 0; } #TopPullDown a, #TopPullDown h6 { /* font: bold 11px/16px arial, helvetica, sans-serif; */ font-weight: bold; display: block; border-left: 2px solid #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR=, not the border color */ border-right: 2px solid #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR==, not the border color*/ margin: 0; padding: 2px 3px; background: transparent; /* =CONTAINER_BG_COLOR= */ } #TopPullDown h6 { color: #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ } #TopPullDown a { color: #0C3F81; /* =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ text-decoration: none; } #TopPullDown a:hover { background: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ color: #0C3F81; /* =NAVLINK_FONT_COLOR= */ } #TopPullDown ul ul a { /* Properties of submenus */ background: transparent; /* =CONTAINER_BG_COLOR= */ } #TopPullDown li { position:relative; float: left; /* width: 8em; */ text-align:center; } #TopPullDown li li { position:relative; float:left; text-align:left; width:12em; } #TopPullDown ul ul { position: absolute; z-index: 500; } #TopPullDown ul ul ul { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 100%; } div#TopPullDown ul ul { display: none; } div#TopPullDown ul ul, div#TopPullDown ul li:hover ul ul, div#TopPullDown ul ul li:hover ul ul {display: none;} div#TopPullDown ul li:hover ul, div#TopPullDown ul ul li:hover ul, div#TopPullDown ul ul ul li:hover ul {display: block;} /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Specific to some themes ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ .sidebar { /* used in many themes. 1024x768 should be the typical presumed window size */ background-color: transparent; /* =SIDEBAR_BG_COLOR= */ height: 400px; /* Guarantee a min page size so that small pages don't look odd */ width: 50px; } .primarysidebar, .leftsidebar, .mainsidebar { /* Updated to consolidate class names, eventually only the first class name will remain. */ width: 50px; padding-right: 14px; } .secondarysidebar, .rightsidebar { /* Updated to consolidate class names, eventually only the first class name will remain. */ padding-left: 14px; } /* The stylesheet does not know if the left or the right sidebar is the main one, the one with logins, menus, etc. The layout file sets mainsidebar as an extra class. Example Usage:
*/ .container_info { font-size: x-small; font-weight: bold; } /*Hierarchy 6*/ a.container_mngmntlink { } /* .moduletitle is used by just about every module Example:
Setting this is pretty much manditory */ .moduletitle { font-weight: bold; font-size: large; /* Some get a cool effect by playing with titles font-weight: 100; font-family: tahoma, arial, verdana, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; */ color: #666666; /* =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR= */ /* Don't set the background color if in a totally non blockish theme */ /* If you use a contrasting background-color, you should set the padding so that the text is not too close to the colored rectangle. */ padding-left: 4px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; margin-left: 0px; /* Negative values are honored by Mosilla, but IE treats them as positive, making things worse */ /* width: 100%; */ /* Not needed for what is generated in here, and it confuses some browsers */ /* Centering the text can make a big visual difference */ /* text-align: center; */ } .admincontrol { /* replacement for .modulecontrol. Hardcoded standard colors */ background-color: #A1D1A1; /* =DOODLELINK_BG_COLOR= */ width: 100%; border: 10px groove #666666; /* =MINOR_FONT_COLOR= */ margin-bottom: 20px; /* Visual seperator before start of page */ } /* If the container has a visible outline, we will generally we want the title to streatch from end to end of container, but will need the contents to have some offset. For these, set modulebody and modulecontrol to have padding-left and container to have no padding The modulebody control is actually applied to a table and not a div. This is because if the inner content contains a table and the div has padding the table might push outside the div (in mozilla), or expand the div (in IE) */ .modulebody { padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 4px; width: 100%; /* Do not set the background color if in a totally non blockish theme */ padding-bottom: 4px; /* border-bottom: 1px solid gray;*/ /* what a mess! */ } .Compact_modulebody { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .login_modulebody { width: 175px; /* We don't want these extending across big screens */ } /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Special block types ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ /* Style Invisible is mainly for containers. It is for a container that is not seen. For example, in a block hilighted theme, a 2-col container would have its 2 cols of contents in the block bachground. Using the invis container shows the blocks without a noticalbe change in background. */ div.Invis_container_box { background-color: transparent; /* Should be transparent or =MAIN_BG_COLOR= transparent allows the background image to come through */ border: none; } .Invis_moduletitle { background-color: transparent; /* Should be transparent or =MAIN_BG_COLOR= It should be the same as for Invis_container_box so that the text does not seem to be highlighted */ /* Also unset any padding so there is no visible mark of the block's presence */ padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } .Invis_modulebody { background-color: transparent; /* Should be transparent or =MAIN_BG_COLOR= It should be the same as for Invis_container_box so that the text does not seem to be highlighted */ /* Also unset any padding so there is no visible mark of the block's presence */ padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; border: none; } div.Header_container_box { background-color: transparent; /* Should be transparent or =MAIN_BG_COLOR= transparent allows the background image to come through */ border: none; vertical-align: bottom; } div.Center_container_box {text-align: center;} .Center_moduletitle {text-align: center;} .Center_modulebody {text-align: center;} div.Left_container_box {text-align: Left;} .Left_moduletitle {text-align: Left;} .Left_modulebody {text-align: Left;} div.Right_container_box {text-align: Right;} .Right_moduletitle {text-align: Right;} .Right_modulebody {text-align: Right;} div.Wide_container_box {width: 100%;} .Wide_moduletitle {width: 100%;} .Wide_modulebody {width: 100%;} div.Feature_container_box { background-color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ } .Feature_moduletitle { color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ } .Feature_modulebody { color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ background-color: #FFFFFF; /* =MAIN_BG_COLOR= */ font-weight: bold; font-size: medium; /* width: 100%; */ } div.Minor_container_box { background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ } .Minor_moduletitle { font-size: small; color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ } .Minor_modulebody { background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ font-size: xx-small; /* width: 100%; */ } /* Category title is used for article categories and for bb names, if not overridden by bb_category_title. It is shared to make it easier to keep these things in the same style. Note that the biggest item of text in it is of class navlink bb_navlink bb_navlink_category, so if you want the categories to stand out you need to either do something with borders and backgrounds in td.category_title, or else set the optional bb_navlink or bb_navlink_category classes Maybe have the category title shaded, but have the titles of articles be unshaded. Examples:
Not Categorized The 1 board See all 3 Articles id more=1 title=$moduletitle}">{$board->name} id more=1 title=$moduletitle}">{if $board->article_cnt > 1}See all {$board->article_cnt} {$config->article_name_plural}{else}See {$config->article_name}{/if} */ .summary { font-size: x-small; padding-left:1.5em; color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* Some things need a deeper indentation and less emphisis. They use summary2 Example: */ .summary2 { padding-left:3em; font-size: xx-small; color: #666666; /* =MINOR_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* Much of the site is in table columns, so any setting of general td will affect many things. It is best to not have anything here and to let the general div take care of it all */ td { } /* H3s are still in use in a few places configure_site, some calendar views, some workflow views */ h3 { color: #666666; /* =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR= */ background-color: transparent ; /* =MODULE_TITLE_BG_COLOR= */ } /* H1: manage_sites */ /* H2: manage_sites */ /* Unqualified spans are used for theme display, file upload article status It is probably best if it resets the color to the system default */ span { color: #676767; /* =MAIN_FONT_COLOR= */ } /* table { padding: 0px; width: 100%; -- Blows the mini calendar } */ /* Some tables have alternating highlight rows. example: class="row {cycle values='even_row,odd_row'}" See the "manage page" page for an example */ tr.row { } tr.even_row { background-color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ } tr.odd_row { } tr.row:hover td, tr.row:hover td a { background-color: #3a75b6; /* =HOVER_BG_COLOR= */ color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ } /* Headers of tables Example Use: Username id}">{$board->name} Not Categorized Setting this is pretty much manditory */ .title { font-size: medium; /* If you want regular titles to be a different color than main divisions, then set it here */ /* color: #676767; */ /* Anything except for =MODULE_TITLE_FONT_COLOR=, because that color would be there by default */ /* If you use a contrasting background-color, you should set the padding so that the text is not too close to the colored rectangle. background-color: #222222; padding-left: 4px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; */ } /* ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= Fine Tune BreadCrumb and You are Here ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= */ /* The You are Here classes are used in navigation breadcrumb and youarehere views These typically are used as page titles so the HTML generator special cases an extra class on them. In here you can set the font to be huge, set background or boundaries, and otherwise make the section stand out */ .youarehere_modulebody { font-size: x-large; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 4px; width: 100%; color: #0C3F81; /* Either set color or shading */ background-color: #ffffff; /* =NAVBUTTON_HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR= */ color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ background-color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ border: 1px solid #2763A5; /* =BORDER_COLOR= */ background: url(/hotdoodle_engine/themes/images/Deliciously_Blue/Deliciously_Blue_barfill2.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; } /* You also need to override the navlink to be the same font size */ a.youarehere_navlink { font-size: x-large; color: transparent; /* =MODULE_BODY_BG_COLOR= */ padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; } a.youarehere_navlink:hover { color: #CEE5FF; /* =ALT_BG_COLOR= */ background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline; } /* ============================== == Sometimes we just need things to be smaller such as in calendar summaries ============================== Example: